Our Solutions - Automated Point Cloud Processing Software
Automated software for classification, vectorization, inspection, inventory and measurements in 3D point clouds.
Our SaaS services are aimed to infrastructure managers, surveyors and engineers.
Our Expertise
classification, vectorization and professional applications.
Automated Point Cloud Classification

Classified 3D LiDAR point cloud from a French railway

Classified 3D LiDAR point cloud from a French highway

Classified 3D LiDAR point cloud from a pipeline facility
Professional Applications

Reverse Engineering Report, Horizontal and Vertical Alignment, Cross Section, Measurement

Clash Detection, Gauge Simulation, Collision Report, Cross Section, Measurement

Industrial Site
Automated 3D Modelling of Pipeline Facility

Industrial Site
Cable Modelling, Automated 3D Modelling of Electrical Substation
Why Choose

Accurate tools

Fast execution
Cloud platform

Digital technology must bring value to our engineering professions using tools that make us more efficient. When you spend several days processing 3D data, and suddenly you can automate this thanks to an algorithm developed by
, directly available on the the setec capture platform, that's a huge gain !
Alexis Mariani - Director of Digital Development - setec group
By combining the professional expertise of setec, and the technical skills of
, we have worked on an algorithm studying railway gauges, and identifying automatically the obstacles to the circulation. Through the launch of the platform Setec Capture, all companies are encouraged to invent new services based on the automation of tasks involving visual data.
Natan Michalon - Civil Engineer - setec ferroviaire
Lidar technology enables the creation of highly accurate 3D digital twins but also presents a great challenge in terms of data processing. Our mission, at
, is offering automated solutions to process 3D Lidar data. Our partnership with the setec group allows us to benefit from the professional knowledge of a major engineering company to develop solutions adapted to industrial needs.
Andrés Serna - CEO - TheCrossProduct
Andrés and his team are visionaries.
TCP develops powerful point cloud processing algorithms.
Our collaboration perfectly illustrates the vocation of GéoCassini.
Patrick Maïore - President & founder - e-CASSINI
Since 2015, 2017 and even more recently, the use of GIS, BIM and even BIM connected to GIS has been carried out at setec according to needs and uses, with the most sober approach possible and avoiding the multiplication of technologies. . One example is the use of mobile mapping for reverse engineering of highways, in collaboration with
. One more step towards digital twins!
Denis Le Roux - BIM Manager - setec als
Technological advances have made point clouds more accessible thanks to the falling costs of LiDAR and the rise of photogrammetry. With the exponential growth of this data, setec's business expertise finds an efficient and rapid solution thanks to TCP. Automated processing capabilities offer new perspectives in production monitoring, the creation of digital twins and more generally in the field of reverse engineering. Thanks to this collaboration, our company benefits from the latest advances in the management and exploitation of this complex data, propelling our projects into the future with confidence!
Etienne Gourgand - Railway Signaling Engineer - setec ferroviaire
Geograma is a company specialized in asset inventory, having travelled over 200,000 km of roads to inventory road assets. Sometimes we are asked to find the geometry of the axis of the road, that is, to carry out the reverse engineering process to find out, from Mobile Mapping data, both the state of alignments made up of straight lines, clothoids and curves as well as the longitudinal vertical plane. With TCP algorithms integrated into the GeoCassini platform, manual processes that used to take weeks are now carried out in a matter of hours, allowing us to tackle large-scale projects with high-quality results.
Juan Miguel Álvarez Paredes Director of Engineering - Geograma
