Did you know ? LiDAR and Art

January 10, 2023 Déborah

Did you know that

💡 Art evolves towards new horizons : the NFT! Non-Fungible Token, these digital works of art open new possibilities to the world of art and it seems that LiDAR participates in it! At least, it is what the artist Dave Court is advancing with his exhibition House Party, a house entirely painted and decorated with sculptures of the artist but which was subsequently razed! But his art has been transformed thanks to LiDAR which has scanned the rooms of the house before its destruction. Today, in the form of NFT, Dave Court’s art is just a click away, and this, thanks to LiDAR technology! 

Source: https://citymag.indaily.com.au/culture/nfts-and-lidar-scans-inside-dave-courts-hyped-house-party/

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