Did you know? China and Railway Network

January 12, 2024 Déborah

❓Did you know?❓

💡 As of 2022, China holds the world record for the largest high-speed rail network, spanning more than 42,000 kilometers (26,100 miles). This remarkable feat represents impressive growth, with 33,221 high-speed trains in service in 2021, three times more than in 2013. To ensure the efficiency of this vast infrastructure, China has adopted an innovative approach to maintenance , integrating inspection robots. A combination of technological progress and strategic vision at the service of rail! And if not, when will the Chinese railway network in 3D point cloud be processed by TCP?

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/aaloui_as-of-2021-the-number-of-high-speed-trains-ugcPost-7142049618074218496-mSN6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop


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