❓Did you know?❓
💡An international study has uncovered a network of garden cities dating back to 500 BCE along the Upano River in Ecuador. Archaeologist Stephen Rostain, in collaboration with anthropologist Philippe Descola, has been carrying out excavations in the Amazon region for more than 40 years. In 2015, laser scanning (LiDAR) analyzes revealed a surprising architectural density in the Upano Valley, offering a unique perspective of pre-Hispanic Amazonia. This discovery challenges traditional perceptions of the Amazon forest and is part of a continuum approach between humanity and nature. A paradigm shift in understanding Amazonian history thanks to LiDAR!
Source: https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceinter/podcasts/la-terre-au-carre/la-terre-au-carre-du-mercredi-31-janvier-2024-4629000